Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do you prefer shopping for clothes by yourself or shopping with a friend?

i prefer by myself! i know this sounds weird but really. i noticed w/e i go shopping with my friends,we always end up getting into some arguement because one wants to leave and go home and i want to stay and shop !i have more fun by myself lol beleive it or not!

Do you prefer shopping for clothes by yourself or shopping with a friend?
I hate shopping with people, I feel rushed. I like to go at my own pace, and if I wanna look through every item on a rack and try things on, I don't want someone saying, hurry up, next store, whatever. And sometimes I know exactly what I want and want to be able to run in, get it and leave. Either way, it's best to do alone.
Reply:I prefer to shop alone. . there's not enough room in front of my computer for a friend.
Reply:I haven't gone purely by myself yet,

but i do think i'd prefer it that way.

my friends always want to leave pretty much as soon as we get there, and even if i'm looking at stuff.

and it bothers me how, if they're not interested in anything then they'll just follow me around.

and then there's the problem when you both want the same exact thing. that gets crazy.

so.. i'm not a fan of shopping with my friends for actual shopping reasons, just hanging out is fine though.

but i do like shopping with my mom, that's always nice.
Reply:i prefer company.

it's always better to have some sort of 'advisor' around me.

i'm very indecisive
Reply:No I prefer to shop alone and chose my own fashions. I do not like someone else's opinion as I usually land up changing it afterwards. I also like to shop for hours and dont want to hear anyone telling me that its time we got back home....Im with you all the way on this one!!!!!!
Reply:when i'm by myself, i always talk myself outta stuff. because i figure it's too much or something. so i prefer ppl!
Reply:girls are soooo annoying then.....
Reply:myself, then ur not in a rush and u can go to any store u want
Reply:Myself. I am a quick shopper, and most chicks take way too long. I hate the mall. I want to get in, get something cute, and get out!
Reply:I like going with my friends. Then I have other opinions on the stuff I'm going to buy, and not just my own.
Reply:i prefer going by myself to because it takes me forever to find the perfect jeans
Reply:i prefer to shop alone

Reply:Yeah I know what you mean but then I feel alone when I go by myself too. I prefer to also get opinions from my friends too. Their opinions are important to me.
Reply:Hahaha ya, when I am actually looking to buy something I prefer by myself! My best friend is strange... if I was going to get something she says she doesn't like it and them buys it her self, hahaha! also she would be like "No, don't get that I have one like it!" and it looks like nothing of hers! so ya if i'm just hanging out then with friends, if i'm seriously shopping by myself! ♥

please answer...;...
Reply:i would rather shop by myself because you can get all the time you want and you don't have to go because someone else has to go
Reply:i would go by myself
Reply:I would DEFINITELY prefer shopping a friend! I think it's fun when you're shopping with a friend!
Reply:if im actually looking for something.... and need clothes by myself

but if im just hanging out, and shopping just cause i can... then with friends
Reply:Myself. I have a unique body type and it's very difficult to find clothes that fit and make the most of my assets. When I go shopping with someone else, I feel pressured to make decisions quickly. I usually end up returning at least half of it. I like to go by myself and make a day of it.
Reply:when i just wanna have some fun, maybe find one or two accessories then i go with friends!

if i am on a major mission (lol) i go shopping by myself so that way i have time to get everything that i need
Reply:i love goin with my friends and tryin things on even if we dont buy lemme its just so fun to look at the werid outfits we ry on sometimes but thats just me
Reply:Totally prefer to shop alone. It's okay to go with a friend if you're not doing serious shopping, just looking but when you are really really shopping it's just so much easier, less hassles to shop alone
Reply:usually with my friends..i hate going anywhere alone..i dont really care if their slow though,as long as i get to hang out with them
Reply:I prefer shopping with a friend. its fun shopping by yourself but a friend will allways be there to assure you that the outfit looks great or horrible... plus you get to help one another chose clothes or stores and can try on goofy outfits without being shy... it turns the whole experiance into a fun one, plus you get bonding time with a friend!!!
Reply:with my Friends
Reply:You need a friend who likes shopping more! I like shopping with my family. It's a lot easier because then I don't have to carry cash. And my friends influence me to spend way too much money.
Reply:I prefer to shop for clothing by myself. That way I can go wherever I want and take all the time in the world.

I do go with my friends as a social thing, but rarely do I buy anything, and if I do purchase something it's never clothing. Usually makeup, because that's fun to do with your friends...
Reply:Oh I know! Shopping with friends can be fun if you have a specific thing you want to buy, but other than that it is a pure hassle. I always end up buying something like a $45 watch and a pair of socks when I originally wanted to buy pants or something. Like you said, there are always arguments, and sometimes she wants to buy the same thing I bought, etc.
Reply:I like going by myself this way I'm not embarrassed to pick up something that might not look great on me or something that's completely out of character for me but that I want to try on anyway

But then again I love having a laugh with my friends when I do go out shopping with them
Reply:i like shopping with my friends u get oppinions from them and its funner once my friends and i got kicked out of a store it was so funny

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