Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ring -shopping - I need help!!?


If my girlfriend does not wear rings generally, how do I go about finding out what size ring would fit? I know what diamond cut she likes, so could go shopping for a ring with such cut, but does one normally get this for the wedding, or already for the engagement? does one just get a plain ring for the engagement and then a proper diamond for the wedding? Where's a good, reasonably priced place to go for this in London? Is it really bad to propose without a ring and go shopping together later? Any help and guidance would be appreciated, especially from ladies (as you would know from a lady's perspective)! Thank you so much!

Ring -shopping - I need help!!?
congratulations! I am happy to hear you found the one. As far as proposing goes, you do not need a ring. Its a nice gesture, but there are so many other ways to propose. For example, you could make her a nice romantic dinner and all that, then after sit next to her on the couch. Perhaps grab a length of string, tie it (loosely) around her ring finger, then wind it between both of your hands. While winding, I would talk about what it is that makes you love her and binds you together. Then just pop the question. Make sure she knows that a ring is to follow, that when u looked none matched her beauty and you thought that it would mean more if she picked out her solitaire with you.
Reply:ask ahead of's an expensive purchase and u want the ring to fit right.
Reply:If all else fails just get a size 8. It can be sized up or down a couple of sizes to fit her. Just ask the person who helps you at the jewelry store to make sure the style of band can be sized.
Reply:Most rings come in a standard size, so after she gets it, she can get it sized up or down. If you are wanting to get her a diamond, that is traditionally the engagement ring. The wedding ring can have small diamonds on it, but is usually a plain band. I think it's nicer if the guy has the ring when he proposes, especially in your case when you have some idea of what she likes. Good luck to you!
Reply:Does she know you're getting married someday? My husband and I talked about getting married before we got engaged and he asked me about the kind of ring I wanted. I didn't pick it out but he did a fabulous of job of picking the perfect ring. I think ring shopping together would be great, if you are really concerned that she might not like it. Although some women really want a surprise. Whatever you do I'm sure it will be great.
Reply:%26lt;%26gt;There's 2 ways to do this. The surprise way is to "borrow" a ring you know she wears that fits her and go shopping with it. The other (safe) way is to say "Let's go shopping for a ring." You can say it's for real or "just for fun" and let her "wishlist" the ring that'll work.
Reply:both of you go to like gordons or zales together as like an outing, so you can find out the exact style of ring she likes and have her tries some on, and you tries some on to so she knows. bc just because you know weather she likes princess cut or not but the style matters TRUST go on an outing to a jeweler and pick some out
Reply:There is absolutely no shame in proposing without a ring. If she goes with you to choose one, she'll get exactly what she wants (and she'll be the one wearing it for the rest of her life, hopefully), and it'll be something that you get to choose together. :)

Some women get one diamond ring for engagement and another for the wedding along with the wedding band, but that seems a little excessive to me, especially when you could be spending that money on other things you'll be needing after you marry. That's another thing on the side of choosing the ring together- she can find one that is part of an engagement ring/wedding ring set, and they'll match after the wedding, anyway.
Reply:It is perfectly acceptable to propose without a ring, then go pick one out together. However, if you really want to have the diamond first (yes, the diamond comes on the engagement ring), then go pick out a plain solitaire ring, which is totally sizeable. Then come back with her to either size it or let her pick a fancier mounting out after you've presented it. Some mountings cannot be sized, so you need to be sure you have the right finger size before you invest in a really involved piece.
Reply:My sister just got asked and her fiance just gave her a diamond. That way she could pick out her ring. But she is getting sad because its taking so long to get the ring! Just get her really drunk and let her pass out. Then you can mesure with a pice of string!
Reply:First of all, congrats on being a man, who know's what he wants!

As for picking out a ring for your woman, have her mother or sister, or even her best friend help you! Ask her in a round about way, what kind of ring design she would like? Think about her birth month, the month you both met, the month you plan on asking for her hand in marriage.You have so many plans, you as the male, just have to plan it according to the events, that will present themselves! Good luck and I pray that both of you will have the best and sincere relationship and marriage.
Reply:Well, as long as your proposal isn't going to be a total surprise, some time when you are mall shopping together, let her try on rings she likes "just for fun." You will be able to see what kinds she seems to like (and what size she wears). It's ok to propose without a ring and go shopping together, but I'm a traditionalist and I think that lacks a certain romance. One of my favorite stories is that when my husband went to buy my engagement ring, he knew what I showed him that I liked (a marquis) but couldn't remember what it was called, so he asked the jeweler for a diamond shaped like a football. The diamond is for the engagement and then the band is for the wedding. Those are usually picked out together, unless the ring comes in a "set." I don't know any places in London. Sorry.

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