Thursday, August 19, 2010

ITunes Shopping Cart Error?

I recently bought a card to buy some stuff on iTunes. I've bought things from iTunes before, and spent over $200, so I know what I'm doing most of the time. I've already put the card into my account and it appears just fine. However, when I go to my shopping cart to purchase songs, the shopping cart does not load. It gives me, "We could not complete your iTunes store request. An unknown error occurred (5002)." I've heard that this is because of multiple media players, or that iTunes is too busy. I only have 2 media players (Windows and iTunes), and I've tried accessing the cart on 4 other computers. This problem doesn't happen with any of my friends accounts, and I'm thinkin that it's just mine. Any suggestions?

ITunes Shopping Cart Error?
apparently some people have found that this works:

1. In iTunes, go to "Preferences" then "Music Store"

2a: If you've selected "1-click shopping" switch to "Shopping Cart" and save

2b: If you've selected "Shopping Cart" switch to "1-click shopping" and save

then you can go back to your original setting if you want -

some have said this fixes the problem

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