Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Girls ,if you see a guy shopping for a dress ,do you think hes shopping for himself or a girl?

i'm a guy who loves to wear and shop for girls clothes ,sometimes other girls in the store look at me and i wonder what most of them or thinking.I 'm clean shaven ,slim and do not look very macho .it is fun shopping at the mall and girls dress shops.shopping for hose.lingerie ,dresses,skirts .tops,jewerly,makeup,shoes is as much as wearing the pretty clothes.

Girls ,if you see a guy shopping for a dress ,do you think hes shopping for himself or a girl?
Most men will shop for jewelery , perfume, and nightgowns for their woman, but very seldom does a man shop for makeup, hose, shoes. So I guess a clerk can draw her own conclusion as to what she assumes. A women can shop for a man and purchase almost everything without the clerk wondering. But a man shopping for makeup , it could be that his wife or woman is handicapped, so many men have to do the shopping. What it boils down to , that it is the mans own business. Who knows and now days, I don't think anyone cares. But I wish you wouldn't do it. Seems odd , indeed. There again, nature has somewhat fallen short from you being a normal man.
Reply:no offence but you are a very very very gay man...Its ok, there is a wrestler, named Vito, he wears dresses.

Ever since he started wearing girl's clothes, he wins every single match.

Reply:i think it would only be weird if you were putting the clothes up to your body and dancing in front of a mirror or something...but other than that i would just think you were shopping for a girl.
Reply:Well. First I'd look how he walks-if it isn't too prancey, than I'd think he is shopping for a girl. But if he looks like he is having fun and a serious girls clothes shopper, I'd think he was shopping for himself. I KNOW when a boy is shopping for a girl because they don't know what they're are doing and look really nervous.
Reply:well, if you are wearing womens clothing at the time they are probably thinking you are shopping for yourself. But if you are wearing mens clothing but still look feminine, they are probably thinking you are a gay (no offense meant by the word) guy shopping for a friend. At least thats what I would assume. Do what you feel and don't let nobody tell you other wise. If you want to wear girls clothing, more power to you!
Reply:Honestly it depends on the person. I grew up in a very sexually open area. The majority of men i saw shopping for women's clothing I would percieve were shopping for a girl friend. Some men handle the clothing as though it is more a personal interest for them. Us girls...we aren't blind.. we can tell.
Reply:well i'd think u were shopping for u r girlfriend or wife but are u gay(no offense but it sounds like u are)???
Reply:Unless he tries it on, it's probably for a girlfriend or whoever.
Reply:At first, I would probably look at you, where you say you're not "macho" and wonder. But I don't judge people based on appearance, so I would assume that you're just looking for your girl or sister.
Reply:uh. well. thats cool, man.
Reply:if i was the sales lady i would think you are a cross dresser

reading this im wondering if your closet gay...
Reply:I'd just suss them out, look at how they're looking at the clothes. You can really tell by how they treat the clothes if they're shopping for themselves or a girl.

Lol I was in Barnes and Nobles once and this guy had a shopping bag and as I walked by I accidentally knocked it over and all this women's underwear spilled out. I was with my friend, and we couldn't stop laughing for like ten minutes . . .

Lol, fun times.
Reply:too wrong for me to answer.
Reply:I agree man, I love to buy and wear tight girls jeans and panties.

Usually I get no weird looks at all, except once in London, this pretty perceptive British chick asked me "are you sure these will fit you sir?" tee hee, but I have never had an American chick even question it.
Reply:No I never thought of that but now I will look at the guys in the lingerie department differently,thanks for putting that thought in my mind,you think people are looking at you funny because they should be.
Reply:In other words your a cross-dresser......... hey but that's kool. I would like to think the guy is shopping for a girl but whatever makes u happy i guess??
Reply:You need professional help.
Reply:I'd assume you were shopping for a girl. You could do my shopping for me, since I hate shopping! Oh, or we could go together, how fun would that be? Hehe
Reply:It would depend on how he was acting while shopping. If he was just looking at the clothing, checking sizes, and other necessities of selecting the clothing, I would assume he was buying for someone else. If he was holding them up to himself, standing in front of the mirror with it, going into the dressing rooms, it would be pretty obvious that he was shopping for himself.

There are stores out there that cater to cross dressers. They make clothing in women's styles to fit a man's body. Let's face it, a man isn't built like a woman no matter how slender he is.

Look in your yellow pages, the book or on line, to find shops near you. Or just do a web search and you could order on line without having to be embarrassed about what others are thinking about you.
Reply:I assume he's shopping for a girl but yes if you were holding them up to yourself trying to decide if you like it, I'd probably give you a weird look too. Sorry :(
Reply:I think a guy who is wearing a dress is dress shopping for himself.

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