Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shopping alone??

i do ownself shopping.Do you think it's weird?i am 14 this year and i seldom see someone my age go shopping by themselves?i like hanging out with friends but they keep on rejecting me and i am tired to ask them out anymore...oh,by the way,what do you think?

Shopping alone??
You have self-confidence, self-esteem and you know a true friend when you see one. There's nothing wrong with being you - 5 years from now - none of this high school friendship nonsense will mean a thing in your life. People do tend to grow up and you will find new friends. I find it so relaxing to shop alone and I'm older now. No one to bug me or disagree with my tastes or expecting me to buy them lunch etc.... Yeah - I think you need the right kind of friend to shop with totally. I have only a few that I can say - I'd really enjoy shopping with them. One is actually my best friend from high school but we don't live so close now - but she's so enjoyable to be around and was never clique like and rejecting like that. Sometimes, it's better to make friends with some fringe kind of person - than those stuck up snob types - sometimes that fringe person - might turn out to be a friend for life!
Reply:well i go shopping alone very often. it's normal.

actually when i do shopping with friends, i often buy something i don't want. but when i go alone, i can make rational choices.
Reply:I prefer to shop alone. I hate it when friends want to go to one store, and I want to go to another, then you have to wait for them to try things on, or whatever. Shopping alone is the way to go.
Reply:I am 19 and have basically done everything by myself since I was little. Now I am in college, I do more with friends. It is fun sometimes to just go shopping by yourself. Gives you time for yourself........maybe to just pamper yourself.
Reply:I Love shopping alone, No disturbance, peace full. you spend as much time as you want in one shop without anyone getting annoyed
Reply:I think it's refreshing and very cool to hear someone your age doing something that you like without waiting for other people!! Oh girl, be proud of yourself! You have confidence and you have a good head on your shoulders, one that doesn't let what your friends say throw you off. Do you know that there are some women who won't shop alone because they're so insecure? Good for you!! Keep it up!
Reply:I do that too. It's normal. I don't like annoying people shopping with me because they're always in the way.
Reply:Wow, pretty young to go shopping, but hey i did that today! Im 27 went shopping at all these stores. Spent too much as a matter of fact.
Reply:i shop alon 2 sometimes. same age i dnt think its weird. whatever floats yur boat u kno?

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