Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shopping from a British website? Conversion-ish help?

I'm planning on shopping from Topshop.com, and I have a question. (and yes, I've already emailed them-with no response) And I was wondering if each individual item is converted to USD and then added up or if the total in Euros is converted to USD (and yes there is a difference.) Anyone know? Or personally shopped there?


Shopping from a British website? Conversion-ish help?
First of all, the British use Pounds, not Euros. Second of all, the conversion rate is VERY bad at this point in time. About $2 to one pound. Thirdly, shipping will cost you a fortune. Finally, you will likely have to pay duty on your purchase and the post office will hold your goods until it is collected.

In short, unless you're prepared to spend a small fortune, look for USA sites that have the goods you want.

Good Luck :-)
Reply:I personally have not ordered anything from overseas but have had a friend do so. His total cost (each item, shipping, and handling) was converted and that's what he had to pay.
Reply:with the conversion rate you may be better off buying from Australian site www.starstyle.com.au (similar style clothing-I haven't shopped at topshop before, but I can def recommend the service at star style)


they give you the final payment amount in Australian dollars, but you can just use a currency converter to see what it will be in USD


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