Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shopping wears out babies?

I guess I never noticed before. We were out today shopping and our baby passed out in the SUV on the way home. I tucked her in early tonight- and she is still sound asleep. No time for a bath or anything. Have you found that shopping wears them out?

Shopping wears out babies?
I think they get seriously overstimulated. I went to the mall today and now I'M overstimulated--I can't imagine how the babies feel!
Reply:We went out Christmas shopping earlier and the baby was sacked out by the time we were done and when we got home I took him out of his seat and he fell asleep on my lap.. Still asleep now to.
Reply:That's so odd because today I took my daughter out shopping and she passed out on the way home and she went to bed way earlier than normal and she is still sound asleep and i was just thinking to myself was it the shopping or what? Then I read this questions..lol..wierd..lol

My daughter usually goes to bed at 7 and she went down at 6 and that was with me trying to keep her up because it was too late for a nap...lol..
Reply:I think it's the in and out of the car going down aisle after aisle, i also went shopping today, my son passed out on the way home, got home he played for maybe an hour or so and than went for bed an hour early, it was to late for a nap so i figured bed time it is, he's passed out since
Reply:My son gets so tired when we go shopping, especially Christmas shopping. He crashed in his carseat on the way home from shopping last night. He didn't get his bath last night. He woke up when I was changing his diaper and said "brush teeth?", so he did get his teeth brushed.
Reply:Yes, i noticed this. I learned that young children are new explorers in the world and they have to notice everything. Unlike adults they don't edit out the world around them. If you take them to the store they'll notice all the colors, shapes, lights and people. It's like a great adventure for them. Even if their bodies are not running around their eyes and minds are.
Reply:It's because they are so stimulated while they are out. There are SOOO many sounds to hear, sights to see, smells to smell... and since they are sponges, they don't let a single one slip by unnoticed. All that absorbing is exhausting. You know how wiped out you feel when you are maxed out mentally.
Reply:Oh dont worry, she'll be hard to put to sleep next time! My daughter LOVES shopping...must come from her grandmothers who both love the horrid activity. Some days it wears her out to the point that she crashes on the way home and doesnt wake up until morning, others it makes her harder to put down (even harder now with the Christmas lights as we usually take a walk to put her to sleep when she wont go down). And yet sometimes she will fall asleep early only to wake up at 4am for a quick sippy cup (15 months old now) and go back to sleep until morning.

All the new sights, sounds and feelings can overwhelm the little ones.

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