Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shopping with Guys?

Im going to the mall tomorrow with my boyfriend - and I've never been shopping with him, or any other guy before.

I don't want to feel like I'm dragging him into all of the stores I want to go to.

How can I go shopping with him, but still make it fun?

And make sure he isn't annoyed or bored?

Shopping with Guys?
haha, it's fun going to the mall with guy friends.

Uhm, actually i think it'd be better if you had some friends with you. just like a group of friends that your boyfriend doesn't hate. and just invite people that you two both like.

and just hang around and stuff.

When i go to the mall with my friends, we all have cells so we text and give clues to where we are. and we just play like hide and go seek in the mall. but our mall is small so lol. it was sort of weird.

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