Friday, July 16, 2010

Do you get severely annoyed while shopping? How do you calm down?

Every time I go grocery shopping, especially at Wal-Mart, I get so annoyed I want to scream. People run into me, walk slow, scream and talk loud, and get in my way. I try to shop at off times, but in my town there's never really such a thing. I can't avoid Wal-Mart because I'm too poor to shop at the nicer stores. How can I get through my grocery shopping without wanting to punch every single person in the face? I'd PREFER to shop at Jewel or Kroger because it's always far more peaceful... but I just can't afford it. What can I do?? Quit eating?

Do you get severely annoyed while shopping? How do you calm down?
I have the same problems at the wal-mart where I live. I shop at off times, and I don't try to do all of my shopping at one time any more.

I go when I need something. Does your store stay open for 24 hours like ours does? I find, and I know its early, but I find that if I go about 6 am the produce is fresher and there isn't as much people or children there at that time. I have arthritis and it is hard for me to get around. So that is a good time for me.
Reply:I hum to myself and think that these people do not matter. I hate crowds. Now I will mouth off if some one is being rude though.
Reply:Oh man, I get so pissed when I go clothes shopping. If I'm looking for a Small shirt, all they have is Medium, Large, and XL. If I'm looking for size 3 jeans, all they have is 0, 1, 5, 7, 9, and so on. And if by some miracle I happen upon a size 3, I need a 34 inseam and all they have is 30 and 32.

I feel exactly the same as you when I go grocery shopping! Slow walkers, oblivious idiots, people who almost hit me with their carts...I just glare at them and step out of the way, I just want to shriek at them...
Reply:I ditch the cart in the produce section or something and just hoof it and use the cart as my home base.
Reply:Sometimes I just leave the store. People are extremely rude these days and I try hard to avoid most of them whenever possible.
Reply:You and I exact twins on this!...Recently I tried something new, I now wear my headphones, and have a list ready when I am there. The list and music seems to be a good distraction. Also when you shop, pay close attention where things are, so you can get in and out quickly.
Reply:Well if you stop eating, you'll lose weight too! No, I'm just kidding. Count to 10, try to look at it in their perspective. People have hard days just like you. I know exactly how you mean! I want to scream some times.

If it's the employees that bother you, I suggest you read Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich.
Reply:Get there when the store first opens.
Reply:go to albertsons---unless y'all dont have that....kroger or something along those lines.....higher prices are way more bearable than annoying grocery shoppers!!!!
Reply:a good can of coke
Reply:Get in and get out. There are to many rude people these days to avoid them completely.
Reply:get your mind in the right place before you leave home; and be realistic about what you have to deal with and be patient with people!!

dental insurance

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