Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shopping on Black Friday for Toys?

My husband and I have never shopped on Black Friday before... but now that we have more kids we are always looking for a good deal. I normally start Christmas shopping for our kids now, picking up things here and there... but I hear about all of the great deals on Black Friday.. and I don't want to miss out if they are true.

Anyone wait to get your Toys until Black Friday? What was your experience? Is it worth the wait?


Shopping on Black Friday for Toys?
Start now. If you find something on sale that day, buy it and return what you bought. Be sure to make a list of what you want and get up early.
Reply:I'm glad you asked this question because I was wondering the same thing *star* :) I have a whole list of toys that I want to buy my son, just waiting to see the sales ads for Black Friday to decide if I'm going to battle the crowd or not!
Reply:Definitely not worth it. Thousands of shoppers pushing and shoving and the lines are TERRIBLE. Order online and shop around for deals.
Reply:i have been out on Black Friday for the past 2 years...and there are really great deals if you are prepared to wake up extra early, stand in line, and most importantly if you are prepared to FIGHT for what you want...the first year i went out i had to fight my way through a crowd and CLIMB!!! up a pile of merchandise to get to a flat screen computer that was on sale for $400!!! (it was so worth it!!!) i love going out on Black Friday you get great deals and a great adrenaline rush!!!...if you are going to go out on Black Friday make sure that you know where you are going to buy your items in advance so that you can be first in line, look in all of the Thanksgiving day papers to find the deals because the Hot toys will go fast...good luck!!!
Reply:Went once and will never go again!!! First off the lines just to get into the stores are awful...then when you get in IF you manage to get what you want you have to worry about other people stealing stuff out of your cart!!! Seriously they were sooooo rude!!! I couldnt believe it......you best bet is right after christmas start next years christmas shopping.....right after christmas a lot of stores have toys on sale....and everytime you see something on sale that one of your kids will like buy it and by doing this they may actually get more toys since you dont have to rush to get them...
Reply:not worth it, i think. you are spending more time standing in lines and fighting crowds EVERYWHERE! don't even think about going out to eat on the same day, cause everyone else is thinking the same thing! stay home and shop afterwards.
Reply:I would say that the "deals" are good but seriously it's not worth the agony of all the holiday kick off. I used to go shopping all the time on Black Friday as a teenager with my aunts..it was a tradition and to this day I have no desire of going on that day again. The only good sales are at 5am and there are limited quantities and everyone is so rude and grouchy! I'd say stay home, by stuff now and spend a little extra money on the items. Otherwise if you do go..remember PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE !
Reply:the sales are good but the lines are by far the WORST
Reply:You can find some great deals on BF.

BUT: if you are after a really hot toy, you had better get there a least 8-10 hours before the store opens.

Also, you must have a tolerance for being around hundreds of complete idiots who will show no manners and no mercy trying to get a great deal.

Good luck!

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