Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shopping at Goodwill tomorrow and need help!?

Finnally! A day to shop at the store alot of my girlfriends go to and find great deals somtimes. Ex: 3 Coach purses for $15, Juicy Couture dress $20, and lots of other deals theyve had. Can anyone give me a shopping plan on a span of 1 hour 30 mins? Or give me some deal finding tips? I love to get name brands (american eagle, hollister, juicy, abercrombie, coach, or anything cute) and my friends say its hard though. Thanks for the help! I'm going at 9 am.

Shopping at Goodwill tomorrow and need help!?
i would say go early and take your time!

you never know what you'll find if you take you time to look through everything.

one time i was at a thrift/ vintage store and was like grossed out and couldnt find anything.

but then i happened upon a turqouise lacoste polo.

its sooo cute.

i was very surprised.

and this happened just as i was about to give up.

so just be patient and try a couple stores.


good luck!
Reply:It's not a shopping trip, it's a hunting trip. So be patient, be willing to look at EVERYTHING, and don't be disappointed if you don't find a lot of fancy name brands.
Reply:i bet their all fake brands


good luck! "/
Reply:that is nasty. you know that those clothes and stuff are for poor people with no money?!?! thats why people donate them after they are done wearing them. you sound cheap. and those are fake brands (duh). no one would sell them that cheap. you must have really cheap girlfriends if they shop there!
Reply:wow...goodwill....how sad....
Reply:Coah and Juicy for so low? Is that possiable? I think they may be fake? Am I right? Or is because they are used? Well, I guess anything is a good deal at the goodwill because i mean they have good in there name? Who knows i neverr shopped theree

Reply:just go as early as it opens, because sometimes they restock and no one else has entered to store to buy the stuff. :D

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