Friday, July 16, 2010

Shopping delivered?

I work full time and have my shopping delivered by van every week. The drivers are helpful and my husband always goes out to help them bring the shopping in. Every time they leave I wonder whether or not I should tip them. What do you think?

Shopping delivered?
Those drivers do dozens of drops a week. If everyone tipped them they would be paying supertax. If you get a regular driver, tip them on special occasions eg Christmas. I wouldn't tip them otherwise, they don't expect it. I am a nightmare when it comes to tipping though, I am always urging my husband to tip everybody when we are on holiday and I am sure we over tip regularly. It is always difficult to know when to tip and if so how much.
Reply:I think yes. You tip a pizza delivery guy.
Reply:your already keeping them in a job why tip them
Reply:I would give them a tip.
Reply:If they are carrying things into your home, even with your husbands help a couple dollars tip is in order.
Reply:Yes you should always tip people for doing a service for you.
Reply:no you shouldn't tip them as it just means that you are paying twice for the same service and this can lead to unfair expectations on both of you as the expectancy to tip will always be there even if the service is crap.

An example would be the way the bin men always seem to smile at you and put cards through your door about two weeks before christmas, despite having a complete inability to empty your bin properley during the rest of the year.
Reply:No, don't make it a habit.
Reply:I wouldn't tip them because they are doing their job, but if they are really helpful and always courteous why not send a letter to the shop to say how pleased you are with the service?

Employers usually recognise and reward members of staff who receive praise from customers.
Reply:I would tip them because they cant be earning that much doing that job.
Reply:It's up to the supermarket to pay proper wages, not you.
Reply:I never tip the delivery driver.

Tips are supposed to be worked out on a certain percentage of what you are paying for the service, since you arn't paying them anything directly I don't think a tip is expected or necessary.
Reply:no tip. we never do. british shouldnt tip apart from meals out.
Reply:No tip,

You are paying for the shopping and their wages are included in the price you pay.

I don't tip the post man.
Reply:No they get paid for what they do already, would you tip the checkout girl in the store if she helped with the packing? no so why this guy, all he's done is his job!
Reply:No tip. I have my shopping delivered sometimes and pay £5.00 for the privilege. they get paid already so no tip is necessary.
Reply:yes u really should tip them. there doing you a favor at least pay back their time right?
Reply:They get paid to do that. Its their job. If you tip them now, you will be obligated to tip them everytime, even when the service is bad. Dont start a habit. It will be difficult to go back.
Reply:This is not an answer, but my experience.

I got a coupon once to try the delivery service for free (so a $10 savings). Guy showed up and I didn't tip him because I thought, this is his job; he's got to be part of the grocer's union; he's getting paid more than minimum wage and whatnot.

I explained my concern to my husband about whether I should have tipped him. And his response was that I should have split the difference of the "free" trial delivery with guy. So, I should have given him $5 dollars. And in essence, paid to try the service.

I have never shopped online like that again because I can schedule trips to the store and I don't want to toil over tipping somebody that's obviously getting paid for that job.

Maybe you can call the supervisor and ask who or how your order gets collected. Because this person might have "shopped" your entire order and delivered it to you. And if he or she does a good job selecting things for you then maybe, just maybe he deserves the occasional tip. That might entice him to select better quality fruits/meats -- but maybe that happens already. If you get an answer, let us know!

dental assistant

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