Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shopping online?

When shopping online for clothing, is it important that the image is large enough to see details on the item or do you care? If it takes too long to load the picture, would you give up and not shop?

Shopping online?
it very imporant to know waht your trying to buy and get
Reply:I think so, because sometimes, the smallest details are the most important. But why worry about online stores high prices and wether or not it's what you wanted? I have a better suggestion, have you ever thought of a personal shopper? I have my own business and I provide shopping for gifts and clothing at low prices. I go out of my way to find sales, discount, clearances, etc, to save you money on the products you want and ship them straight to your door! Not only that but I'm hands-on, so I know what the clothing looks like before I buy it, no worrying about small imperfections. If your ever interested, let me know. You can email me at bridgetspersonalshopping@yahoo... or visit my website or you can visit Bridget's Personal Shopping on yahoo 360. Hope I helped and Good Luck!
Reply:need to be fast as this one
Reply:get broadband its cheap now

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