Friday, July 16, 2010

Does it make sense shopping online?

I do not live in the United States and I shop at online US stores sometimes cause it is much easier since I can make my own choice of what I want instead of having family/friends in the US shop for me.

However, I was wondering if shopping online makes sense in comparison to shopping in-store.

Are there certain things that are just a no, no for buying online because of the disparity in price?

Does it make sense shopping online?
Actually you can often find better deals online. The reason is that stores don't want to carry a lot of clearance, sale, overstock, and end of season merchandise in the physical store. That stuff takes up space where they can sell new and more expensive products. So these stores often make these deals available only online where bargain hunters can find them easily.

That is one of the biggest advantages to shopping online. Of course being out of the US shipping costs may be relatively expensive depending on where you shop. However, between finding good deals, saving time by being able to compare everything at once, saving time by shopping any time of the day you want, and saving hassle by being able to pick out exactly what you want - it's probably better in the long run to shop online even outside of the US.
Reply:Well I love shopping and I think that online shopping takes away some of the excitement, but the online shopping thing also seems like a good idea because you can get things when they're out of stock in stores.

But I'd still prefer shopping in stores.
Reply:yeaaaa. its cool to shop online. its just if you have a problem with shipping, it could cost you as much as the clothes you order.
Reply:alot of things are actually better online...sometimes you at least dont have to pay shipping..depending on how much you are spending there...i do most of my shopping online and i live next to everything in southern california...its just better....the only thing thats bad about it is that typically..they dont put EVERYTHING in the you miss out on some things...but i would say go for it!
Reply:If you dont mind waiting 2 or 3 weeks for it to get to you I think it's fine.
Reply:I never do any purchasing or banking online as who knows if someone can hack into the personal info left by the customers. I may browse online, but that's about the extent of it for me.
Reply:depends where u shop. Honestly even if u did live on the US its so much easier to shop online. I do both but the difference is in the store sometimes they have different items the prices are the same. Most of the time they have more items online!

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