Friday, July 16, 2010

Shopping on black Friday?

Hey All :)

Well me %26amp; my mom (i'm 15) are thinking about going shopping on black Friday so we can get Christmas presents for our friends %26amp; family members... if we do go it will be our first time. Do you think this is a good idea? How bad is it really? Have you ever gone shopping on this day, what was it like?

Shopping on black Friday?
YES YES YES go.... i am 33 years old and have been going to Black Friday since i can remember..i love it...its more of a adventure then a shopping trip lol
Reply:I have only been once and I didn't like it,other than it was true fun watching all the people and kids acting up and out,a really good laugh or it would of been if I hadn't of driven 80 miles at dawn for nothing.Even then the spirit of the thing was great,it was a fun day if you don't want to do serious shopping.
Reply:It can get pretty crazy, but as long as you're not going for some of the super-big deals, such as a $300 laptop, and you go with the flow, you should be okay. Whatever you don't get, you don't get. It's more about the experience than anything else, and if you go in with a "let's not get crazy and hurt people or get hurt ourselves reaching for an Elmo dolll," you'll enjoy yourself so much more.
Reply:Last year was first time and i went at like 7 and it wasnt to bad ...i say if dont want anything that they have only 8 of then do it was nice plus i like big crowds of people l0l...i guess i get in the spirit but yea i say go b/c you can still get good deals if you go at 7 or 8! Happy Shopping
Reply:I have been twice. The other years, I was the one selling y'all the stuff. I worked in retail for years. All I can say about Black Friday is this. Be patient...the lines are VERY long. Make a plan. Get your sale flyers out and map out your trip. Traffic is horrible so the mapping works good. If there is something advertised at a huge discount that you really want, remember that at least 300 other people want the same thing. Get to the store where the deal is at least 1 1/2 - 2 hrs before they open and STAND IN LINE waiting for the doors to open. I remember getting to Target 1 hr before opening last year and I was number 372 in line. It's VERY boring but worth it if you are lucky enough to get the item on sale before they run out. Also, remember that a lot of people have had little to no sleep so there are a lot of really crabby, rude people out that day. If you are going out to eat, avoid the usual busy breakfast at 8 or lunch at noon. I'd suggest going out for brunch around ten or a late lunch after 2pm. You'll still have to wait in lines at most places but the wait might not be as bad.

If you like crowds and all the hustle and bustle, then you'll love Black Friday. Otherwise, wait til the middle of the next week and try your luck. There's still a lot of good deals out there then.
Reply:We go every year. It is a tradition. You get really good values on that morning. My husband complains while daughter and I giggle. It is very crowded and bustling.
Reply:It will be a great bonding experience, 1) wear comfortable clothing and shoes 2) bring asprins 3) may sure both of you have your cell phones charged up in case you get seperated. yes
Reply:I'm 15 too! I can't wait! we live in Illinois and it's crazy!! seriousley! this old lady died last year in target because she got plowed over! well I am going with our friend Jessica (like an older cousin to me) and her sister Sarah, my mom, me, and some other people. We go out at 10 pm, and dont come home until like 11 am the next day! It's the greatest shopping day ever! Just remember you have to run and fast because you will get plowed over! lol Good luck, you will LOVE IT!
Reply:it really depends on where you live. some people can get really nasty out there so just be patient and go to have fun. my mom and i go every year here in sunny florida. this year, however we'll be up in the gloominess of michigan! we are going though. who knows if we'll really get any deals - it's just fun being together every eyar. we do a nice lunch and are just silly together. i wish i was 15 again and just starting this tradition. i recommend getting up REALLY early and making sure you get a picture. we have one on the way out every year! some years we even look awake ; )

Reply:people get crazy. They cut in front of you, whine, scream, run. It's really stupid. Really. Most of the hot ticket items are gone before you get into the store. I've gone shopping many times on this day, well I don't shop really on this day, but I'm along for the ride with my sister and our friends. I love watching everyone go crazy, it makes me laugh because it's all so dumb.

by the way, fred up there above me is totally right! Unless you're buying big screen tv's, or big ticket items the discount is really minimal. This year business leaders forcast people spending less money so they are trying to have sales before thanksgiving to make more money in this 4th quarter. According to many of these business people these sales prior to thanksgiving will be better then black friday. The discounts just aren't what they used to be, and I just don't think a few bucks off is that big of a deal in most cases I've seen in the stores.
Reply:It's been AGES since retail stores had their best deals on Black Friday. They know that people are programmed to shop then anyway. It's pushing, shoving, veiled threats...

This year is supposed to be a rotten year for retailers because the economy is in the tank. 2 weeks before Xmas is when the desperation will kick in. THAT is when to go shopping IMHO.
Reply:going shopping on black friday is a tradition with my mom and i. we're already starting our planning! i really don't think the shopping is all that bad as far as crowds are concerned. i'd say the crowds are worse the week before christmas than on black friday. our walmart doesn't close thanksgiving, so there's no waiting outside in the cold.

as far as savings..i save a ton of money. i usually take $500-$700 with me. i get a good start on my gift list, buy my kids some much needed school clothes for winter and some household items that are cheap cheap cheap. by the time we're done, i have a whole suv full of stuff and money still in my wallet! watch for ads, especially on thanksgiving day or check black friday websites. they are already starting to post ads. make a list of things you want and make places like walmart honor those ads if it's something you REALLY want.
Reply:(15 also) It can be hectic.... but it's reallllly fun. You get really good deals.

You HAVE to wake up early though. We wake up at like 4

You also must wait in loooong lines, but usually it's worth it. Also, more times than not it will be freezing out.... but I think it's all worth it. I think I will have even more fun this year because i'll have a job. (interview tomorrow) it's so much more better when you actually have money... and not just your parents having money. But..... anyway definitely go. It can be hectic like i said.... but it's worth it. The rush feels really good. I suggest going :)

%26lt;3 The Bestest
Reply:Black Friday is not a meander through the store shopping day, you have to have a plan. Many high-demand items are in limited quantities and people flock to them in hordes. Some people arrive hours before the store opens just to be the first ones in the store. It's sort of like opening a floodgate.

However, if you have carefully looked at the ads and have selected exactly what you'd like to purchase, arrive early, when the store opens go to the most popular item first, then work your way through your list.

Your first stop will likely be the electronics department...that's the most popular stuff and most people go there so it's the busiest.

Although it's hectic and a bit of a chore, the money you save can make the aggravation worth it.

Kim F.

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