Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shopping for lingerie at victoria's secret!!!!?

i luv shopping at victoria's secret. is there a funner place to shop for very pretty lingerie :)

Shopping for lingerie at victoria's secret!!!!?
Victoria Secret is awesome, there lingerie is beautiful and elegant, but hot and sexy at the same time. Plus, they have great clothes, beauty products and shoes. The most fun place to shop.
Reply:the funest place they is
Reply:HELLLL yeahh it is the shittttt
Reply:Fredrick's baby.
Reply:no no no....
Reply:i don't think so-victoria's secret is like the lingerie haven!
Reply:yes secretsinlace.com check out the leg salon for the best nylon stockings available

the new style is The RHT stockings

also the very best quality undergarments available
Reply:Victoria Secret is the only one that i know of...it had a pretty decent selection

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