Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shopping With Family???

Here's the thing... my mom doesn't really like shopping with me, cuz i like browsing but she doesn't really do that. The rest of my family r guys, so they especially hate shopping. How do i ever buy new clothes if i don't have the money?

My parents won't lend me money so i can go by myself, do u have any advice???

Shopping With Family???
Ooooooh, the mom not liking to shop, we fall into the same category. Blegh. It's no fun, but we must deal with it. I reccomend looking for what you want to buy online and just go into store knowing what you want so you don't peeve your mom. Pick more department stores, I've noticed that smaller store make parents and brothers a little ansy. Or you can go to the mall with them aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd a friend and ask to roam, find what you like and ask for the cash. Shopping with brothers is actually quite fun, they're just such a pain in the *** its almost funny. Just try and enjoy and you'll slowly learn how to work these people.

good luck ;)

Reply:My mom is the same thing....talk to her, it'll help a lot
Reply:Try to talk to your mom or go shopping with your friend or a girl family member.
Reply:You should get a job so you have your own money to spend.
Reply:If you are old enough, get a job.
Reply:Well you can sell somethings that you don't want anymore on EBAY or you can get a job. I'm not saying get a job at a restuarant but maybe you could babysit or do chores for some money. If you can mow lawns do that. Or you can bake things and sell them to your neighborhood. I hope you get all the money u need. I'm trying to get out this weekend too with my mom which is hard since she's always tired. Maybe a friend could take you. If you have a birthday coming up maybe you can get some money from that. Good Luck!
Reply:Get a boyfriend, they usually buy stuff for their girl. ....I know I have to.

Or a job... not sure how old you are though.
Reply:go shopping with friends and make them pay for the stuff you buy. then when you get your allowance pay them back
Reply:get a job, and work for your money

dental school

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