Friday, July 16, 2010

Shopping addiction?

i looked up the symptoms of a shopping addiction and i identified with several of them...however, i only spend money i have, and budget my money so i'm saving several hundred dollars a month and i pay my bills. its just i spend a lot on clothing as well. is it a shopping addiction if you're still responsible with your money?

Shopping addiction?
no u do not have a shopping addiction

if u look at this link it says that u go over budget

or spend so much that u have financil problems
Reply:most edjucated men will say you still are but me i am what my wife calls paranoid and I am dam proud of it . and i like you love shopping for clothes but i have it worse than you i have a thing for both mens and womens clothes but mostly for womens and just have to have mens . like today i saw this wedding dress and it was so fine and it was only 50 $ and will alter into a great every day special dress . but i had to pass on it . but the fact that i am still dwelling on it is proof that i have a problem . and the only way to solve it is to go get the dress . just because they stick a label on you dos not mean it is a bad thing . think of it as a label on those clothes . those wounderfull clothes . and the 2 largest drawers that are over full with panties . and the shoes stacked up like some new age pumps-v-staletos war
Reply:Shopping would only classify as an addiction if your behavior is causing you significant impairment in some area of your life. Examples would be financial troubles, relationship difficulties having to do with your shopping, or being unable to control the impulse to shop.
Reply:Go, have a look to your wardrobe and if you will feel that you have overspended promise yourself not to spend ur money on useless thing.
Reply:You are fine. It is probably just that you like buying clothes.
Reply:if you are buying clothes that you dont like, then yes its unhealthy.

but everything is considered an addiction nowadays with soo many fricken rediculous people getting caught up in the overly sensationalised word "ADDICTION" its made out to be such a negative word.

i mean.. im addicted to air - everyone is... doesnt mean its bad..

just coz someone likes something alot more than another person doesnt mean its bad - unless its drugs and the consequences are obviously detrimental to self and others.

but the only consequence of shopping is loss of money, but your profits from working outweight your loss from shopping so its not a problem at all.
Reply:nope it's not.

just because you have the same symptons as an addiction or disease, does not mean you are that. you should be careful though...

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