Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shopping problem!?!?

My friends kara and haley want me to go shopping with them kara on tuesday and them haley on saturday but i only have 25 dollars and that will hardly get me anything. I tried asking my parents for money but my dad is out of a job and we cant afford much. I know i dont have to buy anything but its so hard not to and i havent been shopping for clothes in a really long time and i NEED some. I have no idea how im going to get money by tomorrow (tuesday) can some one please give me ideas.

I dont like barrowing money from friends so i want to try and avoid that option

Shopping problem!?!?
You just have to accept the fact that you'll only have 25 dollars to spend.
Reply:Do NOT borrow money if you don't have the money to pay it back. That will just get you further into the hole. If you want to go with your friends for the company, go without any money and promise yourself that you won't spend any. If your purpose is to shop, then don't go at all if you don't have the money.
Reply:odd jobs, baby sittin
Reply:25 dollars is enough to buy something. Just decide to be extremely picky in what you buy or have an exact idea of what you want. For example, if you want a sweater in a certain color.

Or you want go to the clearance rack or stores that have sales.
Reply:Do some odd jobs. If you have computer access/internet check Craigslist.org under part time work. sometimes they have flyer delivery jobs that you can do for money that even pay daily. These are just some ideas.
Reply:Here's an idea---save your $25. Wait til you have more to spend and go then.
Reply:do extra chores for money, babysit other families, etc. etc. =]
Reply:go work the corner of your street. ok-just kidding. rob a bank.
Reply:try to find a reletive near by that you can do chores for
Reply:Pawn some old jewellery ??
Reply:Do work for someone. Odd jobs, mowing lawns, garden work, painting, cleaning, babysitting - there's a wealth of options out there. But one day is kinda short notice.
Reply:try just looking for the stuff thats on clearance pebbles her where i live is way expensive but i found my daughter a $50 dress for $2.50 and goodies usually has some good salea ive gotten outfits for under $15 for jeans and a shirt

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