Friday, July 16, 2010

Which is best for shopping? web shopping or traditional shopping?

if web shopping is choose ove traditional shopping, give points to argue your reasonings

Which is best for shopping? web shopping or traditional shopping?
If it is something that you don't have to try on, or something that you really like and know you want...why not buy it on the internet if you are guaranteed to pay the exact same price (including shipping) that you would if you walked n2 the store %26amp; bought it! Or if you have a local store that you could return it if you needed to! Check out this site...I love it, It's totally free, %26amp; I always find smoke'n deals, coupons, rebates, free trials, %26amp; even free shipping...PLUS you earn rewards for all your purchases! Check it out...
Reply:online shopping avoid the crowd and easy to browse many things. You can try it provides many good coupons for lots of stores like macys, walmart, office depot, footlocker, dell for anything from ipod, laptop, halloween, shoes, perfumes... Report It

Reply:traditional shopping cos u get to touch and feel stuff. more personal
Reply:Depends on what I am buying. Strange though .. even five years ago I was totally against buying anything off the web. I had see it and touch it before I bought something. Now, I am buying a lot on the interent.
Reply:Depends on what you're buying. Fresh produce, for example, should definitely not be bought online. Electronics, on the other hand, are often discounted online.

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