Friday, July 16, 2010

Shopping the day after Christmas?

How many people go shopping the day after Christmas? What do you shop for?

Shopping the day after Christmas?
I try to avoid shopping the day after Christmas... way too many people. Plus I think I have to work.
Reply:Well, my wedding anniversary is 1 week later, so I go shopping for a pressie for my hubby.
Reply:Unfortunatley I go back to work....but if I were off work, I'd go shopping, exchanging what ever needed exchanging, and spending any gift cards I may have received.
Reply:No way... Too many people returning stuff...
Reply:Not me I really don't like fighting through crowds of people.
Reply:I go EARLY. I get all kinds of gifts to put away for the next year. If your not out the door by 730 to be there BY 8am, don't bother.
Reply:I go to Target at 7am, the mall by 8am here. Shopping for stuff for my children's school for next year(plates, napkins, treats), wrapping paper, Hickory Farms spreads and petit fours, and Hallmark Ornaments. Later in the next week after or so I will get any discounted toys ahead for birthdays.
Reply:I don't even like shopping before Christmas. The last thing I would want to do is go after.
Reply:I love to go shopping the day after Christmas with my sister and two daughters. We always go to the Christmas sections and buy new decorations, cards and other items for our homes. My oldest daughter is celebrating her first Christmas together with her husband and she wants special ornaments etc...
Reply:WOAH big disaster....I tried that last year %26amp; ended up coming home two hours late as there was so many people at the till. Its almost as busy as the day before xmas.

Merry Christmas!

Reply:There is no way I am going shopping the day after Christmas. It is far too busy and the shops will be crowed with people. I shall wait until it is much quieterand not so busy.

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