Friday, July 16, 2010

Shopping in Shen zhen.?

Hi ! I am going shen zhen soon for my shopping trip. can someone advise me on the following.

1. Clean hotel near the shopping district.

2. how much discount can I ask if a price is being offer to me ?

3. anyone special food to recomend ?

4. Safety- any special thing I should be more careful ?




Shopping in Shen zhen.?
Hi Cindy, I am just going to point out the safety part cuz it is very important

Shenzhen has a high crime rate of robbery and kidnapping, usually to tourists. Keep your eyes open. Don't leave your bags unattended, beware of pickpocket, put your wallets in your front pocket, photocopies your passport, plane ticket and keep a list of emergency numbers in a separate place

Scammers always target tourists, they also work in groups, for example, one person will take your purse while the second and 3 person will block your way so you couldn't chase the attacker

Don't go to dark alley at night, I am not trying to scare you but shenzhen isn't a safe place for tourist. Go to and search Shenzhen, it tells you about the crime rate. I have seen so much news on the Hong Kong news paper about how tourists went missing and their bodies were found with their organs missing.

It is a beautiful place but I don't like going there unless I have to. I just stick with Hong Kong.
Reply:1. Shangri La and Hilton Hotels are near the subway train and shopping areas. Don't be fooled by those guys offering help. Taxi is fine but drivers can't understand English. You should bring a traveler's pocket translator booklet.

2. At the Shenzhen Commerce City(across Hongkong border) you can ask for 70% discount. Ridiculous but true! At Dongmen area, may be you can ask for 20%. Hua Qiang Bei area, 20%.

3. Shenzhen is Cantonese cuisine but lots of Dong Bei and other northern style foods too. Most restaurants have displays to select from if you don't know how to order.

4. You should be safe at a 3~5 star hotels but be extra careful. Police may not be of help. Pick pockets is really terrible! They were even manage to take my phone from my Levi's front pocket. Never put your backpacks and shoulder bags at your back anywhere you go. Wallets at front pockets.

5. Normally, you can't use your credit cards for shopping. Although star hotels will accept.

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