Friday, July 16, 2010

Shopping alone?

Waht do u do when you are shopping alone, and you have to go in and out the changing room to get a different size etc and in doing so you have to put on your clothes again? it drives me crazy and by the time im out of the shop im hot breathless and frustrated./ no good experience

Shopping alone?
I love shopping alone. Maybe I'm antisocial. You can just look in the stores you want and avoid the stores you don't without feeling guilty. And you don't feel self-conscious trying things on your friends probably wouldn't.

If you really dislike that maybe just bring a couple of sizes of a given piece you think might fit you at once. Or you can always ask the person in the dressing room to try and find it for you in a different size, but that's always awkward, I don't do that one either.
Reply:Flag down a sales person to get the size for you, or walk around in whatever you were trying on. I prefer shopping alone, and I use both tactics, depending on the type of store.

Sadly, if you're at H%26amp;M, Target, Filenes or somewhere else where salespeople or walking around is not possible, you just need to grab 2 or 3 different sizes to start with and suck it up :-) Happy shopping!
Reply:I often go shopping alone because then you can focus on what you want and what you set out to buy without getting too sidetracked. Yeah, doing that stuff drives me crazy too, but if you don't think about it too much, it's fine. :)
Reply:Patience is a virtue.....................
Reply:Bring the size u think u r, a size smaller and a size bigger so u dont have to keep goin in and out.
Reply:my name is Alexis too.

Anyways I go alone because i spend too much time in there, and and its not easy, so I take always shop at paces where they dont have a limit on how many cloths you can take in.

That way I find what im looking for faster.

You can always ask the store associate to find u the outfit while ur in there
Reply:If I am not sure what size to get because I am not used to shopping at a certain store, I usually get 3 of each item. get the size you think you are, one size bigger and one size smaller, that way you don't have to get dressed again. Some stores will only let you take so many items into the dressing room, so I take the number they will let me take in and then hang the rest on the outside of the door and just keep the ones I am going to buy in the dressing with me and put the others over the door so I am still following the rules but I don't have to keep going out of the dressing room.
Reply:I have the same issues with shopping. I usually have my son with me in a stroller to make things even more difficult.
Reply:if you like something, take 2 or 3 clothes of the size range that you are in, and thats about it! its what i do, really easy
Reply:First of all u should at least bring ur girlfriends along and shop 2gether. They can help u on picking out ur clothes. Try not 2 get frustrated and everyone knows that a woman is 2 always look her best. So really just take ur time.
Reply:I usually grab 2 or 3 of the same thing in different sizes so i know or usually when u go to the mall or something some stores have fitting room attendents, so u just ask them to find u the same thing in a larger/smaller size. Once u go to the store like more than once u discover what size u r so then u know what size fits u perfectly!

I usually go shopping w/ friends but i like it more when i go alone, there's no rush or anything u know??
Reply:Wouldn't it be great if all brands were sized the same way? I'm kind of a hard to fit figure, so I always take as many pieces into the fitting room as I'm allowed. The size I think I need, and a size bigger and smaller usually. Then I try the middle one on first. that way I know if I have to try on the bigger or smaller one. Even though I take in 3 pieces, I only have to try on 2 usually. It's not as easy as shopping with someone, but it's better than doing it one piece at a time.

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