Friday, July 16, 2010

Shopping calories?

OK- today I am going shopping for 4 hours straight. I looked it up on the internet, and it said that burns about 430 calories?

I'm 13, 5'2, and 99-100 pounds.

Me and my friends are going to California Pizza Kitchen. I am going to order a salad, but with only lettuce. I am going to bring one tablespoon of fat-free ranch, which im thinking that entire meal equals 40 calories? Like, 15 for the lettuce, and 25 for the ranch.

We are gonna shop first, then eat there. For dessert, we're going to go to Cold Stone Creamery. I am going to get the Like It size of the Sinless Sweet Cream ice cream. that's 160 calories, 0 from fat.

So, in total, all day I am going to eat 200 calories. And I burn that a good thing?

Shopping calories?
No. You have to eat at least 1200 calories a day. Eating less than that makes your body go into stravation mode. Therefore your body thinks you are hungry, making you gain more weight. 200 calories is like a snack. You have to eat 3 meals and 1-2 snacks per day. Exercise at least 1 hour per day. You will be find. Starving yourself isn't good for your body. You are already should be 120 pounds. You are really skinny.
Reply:not a all. you will lose weight, but your already underweight. eat something biger for lunch, or what about dinner? Your not eating healthy enough yet. If you dont do this every day, your ok.
Reply:no you are not eating enough. you should eat more. you shouldnt be dieting or restricting what you eat.
Reply:you are burning calories all day long, even if you are just sitting down or standing, or even lying down. You burn more depending on your level of activity. Shopping wouldn't really burn a lot of calories unless you are walking fast for long distances.
Reply:You should be eating way more than that.

It sounds like you are obsessed with your weight. You shouldnt have to worry this much at your age. Just enjoy your day out and eat whatever you want and don't worry about it! it wont kill you to enjoy a pizza or an ice cream with candies and other things in it.

stop obsessing and start enjoying life.

dental surgery

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