Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shopping males xx funny or true xxx?

Two girlfriends are chatting. "Have you heard about the new husband shopping centre in town?" one asks. "It's a four-floor building where women can go to choose a husband from hundreds of eligible men. The only rule is, once you go up a floor, you can't go down, except to leave the place never to return. Let's try it out."

So, the pair head off to the shopping centre. Climbing the stairs to the first floor, they find a sign on a door reading, "These men have jobs and love kids."

"Well, that's better than not having a job or loving kids," says one, "but I wonder what's further up."

On the second floor, they are greeted by a sign that says, "These men have high-paying jobs, love kids and are extremely good-looking."

The ladies are tempted, but decide to go on.

On the third floor, a sign says, "These men have high-paying jobs, love kids, are extremely good-looking and help with the housework."

Shopping males xx funny or true xxx?

a ster 4 u.
Reply:lol! simply hilarious! Love it! Report It

Reply:lol. that's so kinda not true!
Reply:that right the truth has never been better spoken
Reply:Haha nice one. I thought it would have read that this floor is empty because no man is that good!!

Reply:both funny and true
Reply:if only
Reply:Heard it before, its not as good as your other jokes, but its fine.
Reply:very funny
Reply:that is so so true
Reply:Both funny and true. Funny because it is true and so funny and true because women cannot help themselves. Great joke
Reply:HA HA HA have a star. That was sooooo bloooooody funnnny. You know how to get the wind up us. lol
Reply:The silly women it serves them right. Don't they know a dream come true. Good joke.
Reply:That is one of those jokes that will always be funny. You could tell it in 100 years time and it will still be true.
Reply:yep yep we are hard to please...lol...loved it...hehe
Reply:Hi Love, I don't think i like this one... It's after 2:00am here i am going night night.. Be hearing from you tomorrow.. Lol Lol

A Friend.

Reply:so very true :-))
Reply:ha ha ha
Reply:Heard it before, but still very funny!

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