Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shopping for school supplies!!!?

Hey! I just have a few questions regarding shopping for back-to-school supplies:

1) Who does it in yourn family?

2) Do you enjoy it? Why or why not?

3) What are your favorite stores to go back-to-school supply shopping?

4) What is usually on your list?

5) When do you go to buy the supplies?

6) When do you think is the best time to go (regarding crowds, items being in stock, etc.)?

Ok, so last year I started school a week before my bro started (I go to private, he goes to public), and on his very first day, he needed some more supplies than he had already purchased a few weeks earlier. So for my final question,

7) Why was this so?

Thank you for your answers in advance.

Shopping for school supplies!!!?
I'm no longer in school but I used to hate it. I was glad when Office Max opened here in town because my whole family could get supplies there, the little kids' even could see the supply lists posted on the walls if they forgot to bring their lists.

My younger brothers liked being dragged along by Mom to get the supplies, they'd be all like "I want THAT color notebook" but I couldn't care less and was like "Leave me home, just buy this stuff and I don't care what color because I have better things to do."
Reply:1) Who does it in yourn family? I do my own shopping.

2) Do you enjoy it? Why or why not? I enjoy it. I like buying school supplies.

3) What are your favorite stores to go back-to-school supply shopping? Office Depot

4) What is usually on your list? I'm going to be a junior in high school so binders, paper, pens/pencils, etc.

5) When do you go to buy the supplies? July

6) When do you think is the best time to go (regarding crowds, items being in stock, etc.)? When there is a sale.

Ok, so last year I started school a week before my bro started (I go to private, he goes to public), and on his very first day, he needed some more supplies than he had already purchased a few weeks earlier. So for my final question,

7) Why was this so? Some teachers ask for extra supplies. Sometimes you don't know what you need for a class till the first day.
Reply:1. i do, of course!!

2. i always enjoy it!! its the only part of starting school that i actually have fun with! i love picking all the stuff out!1

3. Mostly Target and sometimes Wal-Mart

4. notebooks, pens/pencils, pencil pack, folders, lined paper, erasers, markers/colored pencils, protractor, backpack, etc.

5. usually like the first or second week in august

6. right when the stores get their school supplies is the best time to go. even if there are crowds, there is more of a chance that items you need will be in stock.

7. i have no idea
Reply:1. Since I am still in school, I always go shopping with my twin sister and my mom or dad.

2. I do enjoy shopping for school supplies because I get all excited to start school again, and the feeling of having new and better supplies than the previous year fells great!

3. My favorite stores to shop for school supplies are Wal-Mart and Target. Target for the book bag, and Wal-Mart for the basic supplies.

4. Usually on my school's list is basic stuff like binders, folders, notebooks, glue, paper, calculator, pencils, pens, ruler, ect.....

5. Depending on who I am shopping with is when I get the supplies. If I'm with my dad, I usualy get my supplies within the first week the set up the display. If I'm with my mom, I ususaly get the supplies about a week befor I go back to school.

6. I think the best time to shop pfor school supplies it within the first couple of weeks they go on display. That way you get a wider selection, not a lot of crowds, and the prices are very reasonable.

7. Your brother probably had to get more supplies because public school's scheduals are constantly changing, while private school's are mostly decided befor school even starts.

Hope this helped!
Reply:When I was your age (more than 1/2 a century ago)

1) My mom did it until I got thru High School, then when I got to College I did the school supply shopping

2) In college, I went to the bookstores on and around campus, then when got older I figured out that some art supply stores sold some supplies cheaper than the school bookstores, then even later I found the stores where the teachers go to get their supplies, and they even better pricing

3) I no longer do school supply shopping, but I do use similar supplies %26amp; get them from Office Depot, Office Max, various drug stores ... I have shopped around a bit %26amp; found that some stores are in the business of lying to their customers ... e.g. use this generic ink cartridge ... then I had to pay 1/3 the price of the printer to get it fixed

4) what was on my list is probably not relevant to today ... when I was in academic schooling, we did not yet have "official" access to computers (I had unofficial access), so supplies there a different world (I worked with punched cards)

6) I procrastinate a lot, so I am often buying them a week or so before school ... I suggest that a month or two in advance is better at college because there is a better selection of text books

7) similar to 6

tooth fairy

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